3 Easy Ways to Transform Your Sofa Seasonally

I have a friend who loves to decorate her home for every season and holiday.  For this reason, she was hesitant to purchase a new sofa because she didn't want to be "stuck" with just one look.

I told her to purchase a quality sofa that she likes and that's comfortable. Then, I told her how a slipcover or adding different throw pillows can really change the look. Today, I’m sharing 3 tips with you, so you know how to transform your sofa seasonally (and for the approaching holiday season!).

1. The Power of Seasonal Slipcovers 

A slipcover can completely transform the look of furniture! Sure, they can update the fabric and color, but slipcovers can change the style too. A slipcover can change the style from Early American or traditional, to Contemporary or Transitional. One client has a set of slipcovers for summer to lighten her room, and another client has a slipcover to protect his sofa when his grandchildren visit.

Why choose a custom slipcover over purchasing one off the shelf? One-size-does-not-fit-all is as true for slipcovers as it is for clothing. Custom slipcovers fit YOUR particular piece of furniture. Many times, my clients think their sofa looks re-upholstered.  Custom slipcovers stay in place as well, no more tucking or adjusting every time someone sits on the furniture.

Everything You Need to Know About My Custom Slipcovers for more information.

2. Throw Pillows with Custom Cases

Have you ever been pillow shopping and you found the right size pillow but not the right colors? Or you found the perfect color, but the pillow isn’t the size or shape you need? If you want to swap covers for pillows you already have, you may have difficulty finding ones to fit perfectly. 

Custom accent pillows can be created in any size, shape, and design for your desired look. Imagine having one set of pillows and custom covers for each season. Cases with different design details and palettes can change the look and mood of your room. Doesn’t that sound dreamy?

Varying the texture on your pillows creates an upscale look, as well as mixing solid colors with prints. Consider using the same fabric from your window treatments in an accent pillow for a truly custom look!

3. Beautiful Blankets Can be Seasonal Too

Soft furnishing accents such as pillows and blankets help make a room comfortable and inviting--less like a doctor's waiting room. Draping blankets across the backs of chairs and sofas is a great way of adding more color and texture to a room. Changing blankets seasonally as you do with slipcovers creates a different look, and you can vary the weights or warmth of the blankets for either summer or winter.

Layering blankets on the back of your sofa not only adds an upscale look to your room, but they are also practical as well. Different warmth options are always appreciated, especially if your spouse likes a different temperature setting like mine does! I can assure you that custom soft furnishings can make a big difference in your home. So get ready for a whole new look for each season or your favorite holiday.

Want your furniture to keep making an impression all year long? Then, sign up for our monthly newsletter and get inspired!

Until next time,


The Socialite Agency

I run a marketing agency for interior designers, home stagers, professional organizers and window treatment workrooms.


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