3 Key Lessons I've Learned in 28 Years of Business


June 4th marked the 28th anniversary of my business, Sew Nice. Since the beginning, the business has evolved and grown along with me. I am a window treatment specialist, educator, mentor, and fabric artisan. I'm continually learning new things. 

The last 28 years haven’t always been easy. So today, I'm sharing 3 of the most important things I've learned in the business, and hopefully, they can help you too... 

Take Care of Yourself

"I'm too busy. I don't have time to rest/exercise/____." How many of us have said that? And yet, when I'm constantly working and don't take time to exercise or rest, I'm not working to my full potential. I get irritable, tire easily, and am prone to mistakes. 

Airlines remind us to put the oxygen mask on first before helping others. They're right. You must take care of yourself first. 

Learn From Your Mistakes

No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Mistakes can cost time and money, so it is essential to learn from them to avoid repeating them. What have I learned?  

  • Measure twice, cut once. Double-checking your notes before starting a project can prevent an error early on.

  • Don't work when tired (that's the mistake zone). Not only can you make a mistake, but you can also hurt yourself.

  • Be honest, and don't beat yourself up. Unfortunately, we are often less forgiving of ourselves than others are. Integrity helps strengthen relationships. 

The view from inside my workroom.

Manage Your Expectations

Clear communication is vital in any circumstance in managing expectations. I’ve learned to explicitly communicate essential details to clients so we are on the same page so that neither they nor I will be disappointed upon delivery.

For example, I share how a fabric will (or will not) perform in a given design, the project timeline, and the specifics of how and where something will be installed. Also, I disclose the services I do and do not provide in the planning stages.  

The future success of my business depends on using lessons I've learned in the past 28 years. I manage my client's expectations by consulting with them on every aspect of their orders. I strive not to make mistakes. But if I do, I will correct them, learn from them and own up to them. 

And, maybe most importantly, make time to take care of myself to be a better person for myself, my family, and my clients.

Do you have a custom project in mind for your home? I would love to help! Book a call with me, and let's get to know each other.

Until next time,



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